Monday, March 23, 2009

Inspired by Laura!

My bff is so amazingly inspiring. On her blog today, she has a happy list. I'm totally stealing this idea for a post because I've neglected you. So, here it is- things that make me happy this very minute:

* The fact that I get to go (& just found this out!!!) to Yellowstone in May with Laura's family. This is made even more fabulous by the fact that I have plenty of vacation time to spend, and that my wonderful husband (more on him in a minute) is ok about me leaving for a week (even though I'll miss him x a million- we've never been apart that long...ahhh!) But all that being said, I'm SO EXCITED about this- I've always wanted to go and now was a GREAT time for such a fun pick-me-up!

*That it's almost the season for glittery flip flops.

*Daffodils are blooming (not in our yard yet, but in the 'hood!), and my irises that I thought I murdered are back!

*(Soon to be) being published in a fuuuuuun magazine!

*That I have friends share a passion for creating things.

*My husband who is so supportive of my creative endeavors, makes me feel like I can accomplish anything and helps out in any way he can (translation: carrying my scrapbooking things to the car ;)

*Two wet-nosed cuddly doggies that we could give a warm home to where they would get lots of attention

*Being able to pay our mortage & all the other bills. Scott's loss of income has definetely affected our mode of living, but we are making it.

*Sunshiny days that make me feel like even more sunshiny days are ahead.

*Tackling what feels like the un-tackle-able at work on a regular basis.

*Futures, plans, goals, dreams.

*Our future children's names which are soooo already picked out even though we aren't heading down that road quite yet.



*Coffee with vanilla carmel creamer and 2 sweet & lows. Mmmm..

*Grilled steak. ANYTHING on the grill, really. & the smell of the grill.

*All things sweats (ie hoodies and pants) and Scott making me feel beautiful even in the previously-mentioned attire.


*Friends that know everything about me & have laughed with me & cried with me.

*My Dad (good one, Laura). One amazing man. The fact that our relationship has evolved so much since my Mom died. The fact that he owns a business now and that he loves being his own boss, (Even if it stresses me out, LOTS).

*Orange. Earth colors. Very unnatural colors. Colors.

*Extrabuttery toast.

*So much tv that it's sick really. Laura, we will be watching TV in Yellowstone, right?


*Giving people things I make and seeing their reaction.

*Little kid birthday parties & softball practices :)

*Lyrics by Adam Duritz (Counting Crows)

*A well-filled scrapbook.

*Cuddling with Scott even though he says he hates cuddling.

That's a good list for now. Pictures later tonight :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My favorite scrapbooking day...EVER

is today. I'll soon be a published scrapbooker :) :) :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009 promised! More to come later today!

I have lots to share with you!

Here are some of my latest pages! Thanks for looking :)

...but after MUCH ado, blogger is being waaaaaay slow and not letting me upload pictures. I'll edit this tomorrow and they'll be here! Sorry!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Good, The Bad and The...Whatever.

Today was my usual scrapping time with my bestie and I just couldn't find my scrap of those days when everything felt off. But, I persisted and tried to try. Here are the results of my day, I called them done when I couldn't stand looking at them anymore :)