Monday, August 31, 2009

On a personal note...

I was just re-reading some of my old blog posts from my old blog and had a fun little time remembering what I was doing at this time a year ago. That blog was a lot more about my personal life while this one is typically about creativity. But, I'm gonna change that up a bit this evening and give you a glimpse of what's going on in Livesay-Land!

* WORK. I thought I used to be busy at work. Then I got 10 more cases. I'm muddling through it, with a bad attitude only SOME of the time. I really hate it when I don't know how to do things and have to rely on others, I guess there is a lesson in there somewhere for me during times like this. :)

*PHOTOGRAPHY. I want to be doing a whole lot more of it. I'm building my portfolio and am superproud of it but I need MORE.

*Dentist appointments. Twice in the past 3 weeks. Not my idea of a good time, but I'm totally looking forward to it tomorrow. I sitll go to my old dentist in Indiana and that drive will likely do me some good.

*Friend time! We've been spending lots of time with lots of people and it makes my heart happy. We are typically homebodies, which is fine by me but we are enjoying getting out of the house a bit (and spending money we probably shouldn't!)

*I want babies. It's still a ways away, but fun to think about.

* I want to move before we have babies. I love our house, really I do. But I am not a fan of the city we live in at all, I've never liked the set up of it. It's fine for now, but I want to move in the near future.

*I have approximately 10 tomatoes growing outside. Scott helped me keep them alive, without his watering of them they would have passed on. I also have a random easter lilly blooming outside. Don't know how that happened...only in the land of angie!

*On the tube: Drew Carey, West Wing and...Jon & Kate + 8. I'm so ready for new fall TV!

That's it for now, just thought I'd do a random little share. I desperately want a craft day spent in my CLEAN scraproom...once I make it clean!

Monday, August 24, 2009

A Long Time Comin'

My latest mode of scrapping has been much different than the past. I used to focus on one layout and spend hours on it until it was finished, all in one session. But recently, I've been juggling about 7 layouts at a time- and worked on them over 3 different scrappy days until I could finally call them done. Here are a few of my latest:

Monday, August 17, 2009

More Photography

I'm alive and well. Just busy. Summer does that to you. Here is some of my recent photography. Summer has been a busy, busy season...and I'm loving it.I'm alive and well. Just busy. Summer does that to you. Here is some of my recent photography. Summer has been a busy, busy season...and I'm loving it!

*Some of these might be repeats, if that's the case it's because they've taken a trip through the amazing program that is photoshop. :) PS...I really want some senior shoots!